Family originated from God:

Family originated from God:  

 The Family is a God-ordained institution, a spiritual and organic system, that was established for the following purposes;

  1. To glorify God

  2. To subdue the earth. 

In this lies (Genesis 2) the duties of the husband, wife and children. The Scriptures readily set forth a theology of domestic duties. Husbands, wives and children have specific, God-honouring duties to perform in their respective stations in the economy of the redemptive plan of God. Their goal as a family is to;

 1) honour God

 2) edify the church

 3) promote Christian values in their respective stations of society. 

All these originate from the moral and spiritual values in the home and functioning to honour Christ Jesus. In this regard was the Puritan conception of the family or household; Dr. William Perkins described the family as a little church, Dr. William Gouge called it the seminary of the Church and commonwealth and Rev. Richard Baxter characterised the home as a church a society of Christians combined for the better worshipping and serving God. Rev. Lewis Bayly taught that what the preacher is in the pulpit, the same the Christian householder is in his house. He was quoting Augustine. The family, then, is the most important institution in society paralleling the relationship of Christ and the Church. Thus, Paul, carried by the Holy Spirit, rightly demonstrates this in Ephesians 5:22-6:9 in the manner of the duty of the husband, wife and children in the household.

The family, marriage and parenthood reveals the character of God like nothing else in Creation. The love between a husband and wife provides a glimpse of the passionate devotion of Christ to the Church as His bride. In the same way, the ups and downs of parenthood offer a compelling picture of the tenderness and patience of God toward us as His children.

Family does more than reflect the character of God. It provides a safe place where children can experience the love of God (through their parents) and learn how to love other people.

Even Christ himself was born within the context of a family. God in the flesh submitted to an earthly mom and dad to model what it means to honour parents and to benefit from their loving direction. It was within the nurturing care of His earthly family that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and men (Luke 2:52).

Go to God now and participate in the storm from His favored position. Pray now;

Dear God, I'm an upbraided rapscallion requiring your thoughtfulness; offer grace to me and wash me clean from all bad behavior with the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth; I recognize Jesus Christ as my Master and Individual Friend in need; I'm resurrected, a Christian, and a posterity of God; in Jesus' name, amen.


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