The Family Unit
The Family unit;
In the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, the term family refers to a group of individuals who are closely related to one another, particularly a mother, father, and their offspring, who comprise the nuclear family. However, there is also the extended family, which includes aunts, uncles, grandparents, distant relatives and so on.
A family unit can also be defined as two or more people who share common aims and beliefs, have a long term commitment to one another, share a shared heritage and live in the same dwelling space, under one roof or in the same house.
In Psalm 115:12, another term for family in the Bible is household or house of. It states this regarding the intention of God for the family circle:
He will bless the house of Israel; he will bless the house of Aaron.
Genesis 18:19 also says:
For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him
Since the term children had already been stated before the word household, we can see that household refers to more than simply husband, wife and children. A household can refer to everyone who lives under the same roof as the householder or owner of the house, and it can include more than just husband, wife, and children. Close relatives, distant relatives, in-laws, servants, housemaids, and domestic staff (some people have their drivers, gardeners, security workers, and other household employees live with them under the same roof and treat them as members of their family) are examples of such people.
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